Looking at your graph and seeing a dip in your spending in July reminded me of your post from last summer when you were saying you were spending more time outdoors and spending less money!
I should start keeping track like this. I used to be able to do it in my head because I spent nothing at all on non-essentials. I have been able to loosen up a bit thanks to earning more with my writing.
It's been so insightful keeping track of everything this year for me!! It's definitely been surprising some of the categories I spend more or less than I thought I did
Looking at your graph and seeing a dip in your spending in July reminded me of your post from last summer when you were saying you were spending more time outdoors and spending less money!
So insightful and love the capitol one hack!
I have been using capital one shopping.
But recently I came across this video about how these apps are scamming content creators (some Substack writers?).
Wow good to know...
I should start keeping track like this. I used to be able to do it in my head because I spent nothing at all on non-essentials. I have been able to loosen up a bit thanks to earning more with my writing.
It's been so insightful keeping track of everything this year for me!! It's definitely been surprising some of the categories I spend more or less than I thought I did
Love this so much, Maria!
Thank you! :)
I love this! Inspires me to do my own personal recap
Thanks!! You should try it, this was so fun to put together!